Wednesday, April 13, 2011

The New Normal

As Chris learns to reconnect with daily routines she will be forced to face her limitations constantly and have plans in place to work within them. The toughest part will be simply accepting them and understanding she will be able to increase them as time goes on. The next toughest thing is for her to truly understand that I am placing no expectations on her and simply am continuing to work to manage the tactics day-to-day. I do confess to a bit of burnout at the moment, but that's just the way it goes.

Tuesday, April 12, 2011


Not much time lately for introspection. Been busy keeping up with daily tasks and activities. Chris has done her last chemotherapy for the time being and is focusing on the gradual process of regaining health and stamina. I am doing p90x to work on some fitness that takes less time than riding. The season is winding up and we don't feel ready for it at work, but we'll get through it like we always do. Hop all are well out there and keeping safe. I will check in again as things continue to settle.

Wednesday, December 29, 2010


Today we experienced some normalcy as a family.  Nothing all that wild, just some shopping and dinner out.  Know what?  It felt......weird.  Clearly that is a symptom of the fact that we don't do that sort of thing nearly often enough.  I mean, just going and doing something without needing to achieve a result; simply being together as a group of people who are related. 

We gotta get out was fun!